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I Was Only Dreaming

Approximately two months ago, I had a lucid dream where everything I had known had been literally taken from me--my husband, my mother, my little brother, and my life. One night I was in one life and the next day in another. The man who I had called husband for over a decade was not the man lying in my bed, next to me. He was a completely different person, with whom I had three children. I do not have any children. As the dream progressed, I learned that not only had my life taken a completely different turn than the one I lived before, I had become a stranger in my own skin. I was an adulteress and had managed to let my daughter drown in the family pool on my watch. There were many other elements that were different, too long to list. When I awoke from the dream, I could not help contemplating the "what if's" in life. What if I had not married my first husband? What if my mother's cancer had not been caught in time? What if I had not resolved the sexual abuse I suffe

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